The basis platform is a drive-by-wire capable Liebherr R924 track excavator with a custom sensor setup as depicted below. The hardware details of additional perception sensors are as follows:

  • 3x Ouster OS1-64 Laserscanner (left, right, back)
  • 1x Ouster OS1-128 Laserscanner (boom)
  • Stereo Camera Jai FS-3200D-10GE (RGB+NIR channels)
  • SBG Ekinox D
  • 4x RGB Surround cameras Alvium G1-240C

The Laserscanners and cameras are synchronized using PTP.

Processed Data

The bagfiles containing labeled data will have the following topics:

Topic Type Framerate
/ekinox/geo_pose geographic_msgs/GeoPoseStamped 200 hz
/ekinox/imu sensor_msgs/Imu 200 hz
/localization/odometry nav_msgs/Odometry 100 hz
/pcl_merging/merged_cloud sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 10 hz
/pcl_merging/labeled_cloud sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
/stero_camera/left/vis/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo 5 hz
/stereo_camera/left/vis/image_color sensor_msgs/Image 5 hz
/stereo_camera/left/nir/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image 5 hz
/stereo_camera/left/vis/image_labeled sensor_msgs/Image
/stereo_camera/right/vis/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo 5 hz
/stereo_camera/right/vis/image_color sensor_msgs/Image 5 hz
/stereo_camera/right/nir/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image 5 hz
/stereo_camera/right/vis/image_labeled sensor_msgs/Image
/tf tf2_msgs/TFMessage
/tf_static tf2_msgs/TFMessage


Here is a TF-tree generated with tf_tools to get an impression of the platform.


Extrinsic calibration between camera and laserscanner has been performed and can be read via the static transforms provided by TF. It might change slightly during different recordings, as we recalibrated the system on a regular basis. Intrinsic calibration are published via camera_info topics. We also provide them here in standard OpenCV format.