We use a standard Boston Dynamics Spot with two different sensor setups as depicted below. The hardware details of additional sensors are as follows:
Setup 1
- Ouster OS0-64 Revision C Laserscanner
- Realsense L515 RGB-Cameras and Solid-State Laserscanner
- SBG Ellipse D INS System with two antennas
Setup 2
- Ouster OS0-128 Rev. 7 Laserscanner
- RGB camera
- SBG Ellipse D INS System with two antennas
The Laserscanner is synchronized using PTP, the Realsense camera uses a software trigger.
Recorded Data
Below are recorded topics of the raw data.
Topic | Type | Framerate | Description |
/diagnostics | diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray | ||
/ellipse/geo_pose | geographic_msgs/GeoPoseStamped | ||
/ellipse/imu | sensor_msgs/Imu | ||
/ellipse/localization | nav_msgs/Odometry | ||
/localization/geo_pose | geographic_msgs/GeoPoseStamped | 100 hz | |
/localization/odometry_global | nav_msgs/Odometry | 100 hz | |
/map | nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid | ||
/map_metadata | nav_msgs/MapMetaData | ||
/ouster_pcl_gen/cloud | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | 10 hz | Raw Point Cloud |
/ouster_to_imu/imu | sensor_msgs/Imu | ||
/ouster/transformed_cloud | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | 10 hz | Inertially corrected PCL |
/realsense/camera/camera_info | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | 10 hz | |
/realsense/camera/image_raw | sensor_msgs/Image | 10 hz | |
/realsense/camera/depth | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | 10 hz | |
/tf | tf2_msgs/TFMessage | ||
/tf_static | tf2_msgs/TFMessage |
Processed Data
The bag files containing labeled data will have the following topics:
Topic | Type | Framerate |
/localization/geo_pose | geographic_msgs/GeoPoseStamped | 100 hz |
/localization/odometry | nav_msgs/Odometry | 100 hz |
/ouster/transformed_cloud | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | 10 hz |
/ouster/labeled_cloud | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | |
/realsense/camera/camera_info | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | 10 hz |
/realsense/camera/image_raw | sensor_msgs/Image | 10 hz |
/realsense/camera/image_labeled | sensor_msgs/Image | |
/tf | tf2_msgs/TFMessage | |
/tf_static | tf2_msgs/TFMessage |
The TF-tree of the system is visualized below. The robot is referenced in the global UTM frame. Sensors are directly attached to the body. We also provide them here in standard OpenCV format.
Extrinsic calibration between camera and laserscanner has been performed and can be read via the static transforms provided by TF. It might change slightly during different recordings, as we recalibrated the system on a regular basis. Intrinsic calibration are published via camera_info